Return to Dance from Ausdance

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Ausdance is pleased to announce the release today of national guidelines for Return to dance: Principles and framework for restarting dance activities post-coved 19The Ausdance guidelines have been produced by Ausdance Qld in consultation with a wide cross-section of the dance community including BlakDance, companies, studies and independent artists, and Safe Work Australia. 

The guidelines directly reference the Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment developed by the Australian Institute of Sport. The Ausdance guidelines have received the endorsement of Dr David Hughes, Chief Medical Officer, Australian Institute of Sport Medical Director, Australian Olympic Team, Tokyo 2020.

As the authors state, these guidelines are are about the ‘how’ not the ‘when’, which will depend entirely on your own State/Territory governments. It’s important to remember that they are intended for operation within State and Territory directives: they are not an exemption from these directives.

We thank our colleagues at Ausdance Queensland, Chair Jordin Steele and Executive Director Julie Englefield, who have worked under great pressure to get these out as we all begin to make a return to dance. You can contact Julie Englefield directly for more information if required and read more about the background on the Ausdance National website.

Best wishes (and stay safe!),
Paul Summers (National President) & Julie Dyson (National VP) 
and the Ausdance Victoria Team

Assembly 197